2018년 1월 17일 수요일

배우자 영주권 신청 하기 & 필요 서류 총정리

배우자 영주권 신청 직접 하기 & 필요 서류 총정리

시민권자와 결혼하여 배우자 영주권 신청하는 방법을 정리하였습니다.
USCIS 에 방문하여 관련 내용을 꼼꼼히 읽어보시고 준비하세요.
빠뜨린 서류가 없는지 잘 확인하시고 발송 전 모든 서류의 사본/백업본을 준비해 두시면
혹시나 추가 서류 요청시 바로 발송하실 수 있습니다.
<미국 영주권 신청 필요 서류>
각각의 서류와 작성방법(Instruction)은 링크된 페이지에서 다운받으실 수 있습니다.
pdf 양식이며 adobe reader(무료) 프로그램으로 파일을 편집/저장 가능합니다.

<미국 영주권 신청 증빙 자료>
  • 시민권자 신분 증명 서류
    • 시민권 증서 사본,  미국 여권 사본 …
    • 이름이 변경된 경우 Name change 증명 서류
  • 결혼 증명서
    • 미국에서 결혼한 경우 Certificate of Marriage 사본
    • 한국에서 결혼한 경우 혼인신고서 원본, 영문 번역본(공증), 번역자 레터(Certificate of Translation)
  • 시민권자, 배우자 출생 증명서
    • 한국에서 출생한 경우 기본증명서, 가족관계 증명서, 영문 번역본(공증), 번역자 레터
  • 부부관계 증빙 서류
    • 함께 거주함을 증명하는 서류들
      • 공동 렌트 서류 혹은 공동 거주지 소유권 증명서
      • 유틸리티 빌 (두 사람의 이름이 들어간)
      • 조인트 은행 어카운트
  • 배우자 여권
    • 첫 페이지, 비자 페이지(I-94가 있는)
  • 여권 사진들
    • 시민권자 (최소 4장)
    • 배우자 (최소 8장)
  • 재정보증 증빙 서류
    • 전년도 세금보고 카피본 (필요시 최근 3년치 모두 첨부 가능)
    • 재직 증빙 서류 (Employment letter)
    • Paystubs (최소 6개월)
    • 필요 시 추가 재정보증인 관련 서류
    • 필요 시 재산 증빙 (예금, 부동산 등)
  • 수수료 (총 $1,400)
    • I-130 – $420
    • I-485 – $895
    • finger printing – $85

<미국 영주권 신청 서류 작성 요령 – Tips>
  • 작성 방법(Instruction)을 꼼꼼히 여러번 읽고 작성 후에도 꼼꼼히 검토하세요.
    • 특히 사인 하는 부분 빠뜨리지 마세요.
  • 시민권, 여권 등은 카피본으로 준비합니다. (컬러 카피 아님)
  • 번역이 필요한 서류는 영문 번역본을 공증 후 번역자 레터와 함께 제출합니다.

  • 부부관계 증명 서류는 많을 수록 좋으며 반드시 두 사람의 이름이 모두 들어간 서류를 준비하세요.
  • 여권 사진은 가로*세로 2*2 인치이며, 작성 방법에 어떻게 찍어야 하는지 설명이 있으니 이에 맞게 사진을 준비하세요.
    • 직접 찍어 편집하여 가까운 약국 등에서 직접 출력가능합니다. 이 경우 4*6 사이즈에 4장이 들어가도록 편집해서 인쇄 후 잘라 사용하시면 됩니다.
    • 각 사진마다 뒷면에 연필로 이름을 적어 동봉해야 합니다.
  • I-693 신체 검사는 Civil Surgeons Locator를 이용해 지역별로 가까운 지정 병원을 찾아서 검사하면 됩니다.
    • 병원 찾는 방법 https://egov.uscis.gov/crisgwi/go?action=offices.type&OfficeLocator.office_type=CIV
    • 병원 방문시 I-693 서류에 본인 정보를 작성하여 출력해서 가져갑니다.
    • 피검사 및 기본 검사 후 결과가 나오면 필요시 추가 예방 접종(플루 샷 등)을 한 후 의사가 직접 서류 작성하여 사인한 밀봉된 상태로 받아 그대로 보냅니다.
      • 예방 접종의 경우 이제까지 예방 접종했던 기록을 가지고 있으면 가져가서 의사에게 보여주세요.
      • 2014년 기준 보통 검사비가 $200 ~ $250 정도 하고, 추가 접종 등에 대한 비용은 별도입니다.
  • 재정보증 증빙 서류
    • 재정보증인의 소득이 년도별 재정 보증시 필요한 최저 소득 가이드라인의 125% 이상의 소득을 만족해야 합니다.
    • 가이드라인에 시민권자와 배우자 및 가족을 포함한 인원별 가이드라인이 표시되어 있습니다.
    • 시민권자 본인의 소득이 가이드라인보다 적은 경우 추가 재정보증인을 세울 수 있으며 추가 재정인의 소득은 본인 가족을 포함하여 모든 인원에 대한 소득이 가이드라인을 넘어야 합니다.
      • 예를 들어 추가 재정보증인이 4인 가족에 시민권자/배우자 2명을 재정보증한다면 6명을 기준으로 소득을 측정합니다.
    • 세금 보고 서류 카피본 제출 시 가이드라인은 최근 1년입니다.
      • 만약 3년치를 제출하는 것이 유리하다면(최근 1년은 가이드를 넘지 않지만 3년 동안 가이드 이상의 소득이었다면) 3년치를 제출해도 된다고 되어있습니다.
      • 직장인의 경우 추가 소득 증빙으로 고용주로부터 받은 재직 증명 레터(Employment letter)과 최근 6개월의 페이 스텁(Paystub) 카피를 제출 가능합니다.
        • Employment Letter는 직장명, 고용주 이름과 서명, 연봉, 직장 주소와 전화번호 등의 내용이 포함되어야 합니다.
  • 수수료는 3장의 체크 또는 머니오더로 따로 작성해서 보냅니다.(수수료 금액이 연도별로 변경되는 경우가 많으니 정확히 확인하세요.)
  • 서류 발송
    • 보내는 곳의 주소와 수수료 체크에 받는 사람 이름 등을 잘 확인하여 보냅니다.(최근 업데이트된 정보로)
      • 예를 들어 USPS를 이용 시 일반 메일과 익스프레스 메일 보내는 주소가 다릅니다.
  • 커버 레터 작성
    • 각 서류별 증빙 서류를 꼼꼼히 정리하고 어떤 서류가 어떤 순서인지 커버레터를 작성하여 보냅니다.

<영주권 신청용 커버 레터 샘플 – Cover letter Sample>
서류의 종류가 많기도 하고 심사관의 편의를 위해 커버레터를 작성해서 보내시는 것을 권장합니다.

I-130용 커버레터 샘플입니다. 아래 샘플을 참고하여 상황에 맞게 변경하여 첨부하시면 됩니다.
I-485 레터도 비슷하게 작성하세요.

I-130 Cover Letter Sample – 커버레터 샘플

발송자(시민권자) 이름(영문)

(받는 곳 – USCIS 서류 발송용 주소, 업데이트 확인)
United States Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
PO Box 805887
Chicago, IL 60680-4120

Nature of the submission: I-130, Petition for Alien Relative
Dear Sir or Madam:
Enclosed please find the Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative on behalf of my spouse, 배우자 이름(영문) and supporting documents as follows:
  • Copy of petitioner’s Certificate of U.S. Citizenship
  • Copy of petitioner’s Petition for Name Change
  • Copy of Certificate of Marriage Registration
  • Form G-325A (Petitioner)
  • Form G-325A (Beneficiary)
  • Petitioner’s Birth Certificates along with translation
    • Certificate of Personal Records , Certificate of Kinship, and Certificate of Translator
  • Photos of Petitioner and Beneficiary and Fee $420 (personal Check)
  • Evidence of Petitioner and Beneficiary’s relationship:
    • E-Statement of a Joint Bank Account, Utility Bill
Thank you very much for your prompt attention to this matter.

발송자(시민권자) 이름과 서명


Immigrant Visa for a Spouse of a U.S. Citizen (IR1 or CR1)

Immigrant Visa for a Spouse of a U.S. Citizen (IR1 or CR1)

Important Notice: Same-sex Marriage

Important Notice: Provisional Unlawful Presence Waivers

What Is a "Spouse"?

A spouse is a legally wedded husband or wife.
  • Merely living together does not qualify a marriage for immigration.
  • Common-law spouses may qualify as spouses for immigration purposes depending on the laws of the country where the common-law marriage occurs.
  • In cases of polygamy, only the first spouse may qualify as a spouse for immigration.

The First Step Toward an Immigrant Visa: Filing the Petition

The first step is to file a Petition for Alien Relative, Form I-130, with the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for your spouse (husband or wife) to immigrate to the United States. For instructions on how to file a petition, including where you should send the petition, see the USCIS website.
In certain circumstances, a U.S. citizen living abroad can file an immigrant visa petition outside of the United States. Review Filing Immigrant Petitions Outside the United States to learn more.

U.S. Sponsor Minimum Age Requirement

There is no minimum age for a U.S. sponsor (petitioner) to file a petition for a spouse. However, you must be at least 18 years of age and have a residence (domicile) in the U.S. before you can sign the Affidavit of Support (Form I-864 or I-864EZ). This form is required for an immigrant visa for a spouse and other relatives of U.S. sponsors.

Is Residence in the U.S. Required for the U.S. Sponsor?

Yes. As a U.S. sponsor/petitioner, you must maintain your principal residence (also called domicile) in the United States, which is where you plan to live for the foreseeable future. Living in the United States is required for a U.S. sponsor to file the Affidavit of Support, with few exceptions. To learn more, review the Affidavit of Support (I-864 or I-864EZ) Instructions.

If You Were an LPR and Are Now a U.S. Citizen: Upgrading a Petition

If you filed a petition for your spouse when you were a lawful permanent resident (LPR), and you are now a U.S. citizen, you must upgrade the petition from family second preference (F2) to immediate relative (IR). You can do this by sending proof of your U.S. citizenship to the National Visa Center (NVC). You should send:
  • A copy of the biodata page of your U.S. passport; or
  • A copy of your certificate of naturalization
Important Notice:
If you are now a U.S. citizen, you must file separate immigrant visa petitions for each of your children. If you upgrade a family second preference (F2) petition for your spouse and you did not file separate petitions for your children when you were a lawful permanent resident (LPR), you must do so now. A child does not receive derivative status in an immediate relative (IR) petition. This is different from the family second preference (F2) petition where a child is included in his/her parent's F2 petition. A child is not included as a derivative in his/her parent's IR petition.
Children born abroad after you became a U.S. citizen may qualify for U.S. citizenship. They should apply for U.S. passports. The consular officer will determine whether your child is a U.S. citizen and can have a passport. If the consular officer determines your child is not U.S. citizen, the child must apply for an immigrant visa if he/she wants to live in the United States.

Next Steps - Fees, Affidavit of Support, and Visa Application

After USCIS approves the petition, it is sent to the National Visa Center (NVC). Once received, the NVC will assign a case number for the petition and instruct the applicant to complete Form DS-261, Choice of Address and Agent. (NOTE: If you already have an attorney, the NVC will not instruct you to complete Form DS-261.) The NVC will begin pre-processing the applicant’s case by providing the applicant and petitioner with instructions to submit the appropriate fees. After the appropriate fees are paid, the NVC will request that the applicant submit the necessary immigrant visa documents, including the Affidavit of Support, application forms, civil documents, and more. Learn more about National Visa Center visa case processing.


Fees are charged for the following services:
  • Filing an immigrant Petition for Alien Relative, Form I-130 (this fee is charged by USCIS). 
  • Processing an immigrant visa application, Form DS-260 (see Note below)
  • Medical examination and required vaccinations (costs vary)
  • Other costs may include: translations; photocopying charges; fees for obtaining the documents you need for the immigrant visa application (such as passport, police certificates, birth certificates, etc.); and expenses for travel to the U.S. embassy or consulate for your visa interview. Costs vary from country to country and case to case.
For current fees for Department of State services, see Fees for Visa Services. For current fees for USCIS services, see Check Filing Fees on the USCIS website.
Note: Fees must be paid for each intending immigrant, regardless of age, and are not refundable.
Fees should not be paid to the NVC or paid at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you have your visa interview unless specifically requested. Applicants will be provided with instructions by the NVC on where and when to pay the appropriate fees. Do not send payments to the NVC’s address in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Required Documentation

In general, the following documents are required:
  • Passport(s) valid for six months beyond the intended date of entry into the United States, unless longer validity is specifically requested by the U.S. Embassy/Consulate in your country. Please review the instructions for guidance.
  • Affidavit of Support (I-864I-864AI-864 EZ, or I-864W, as appropriate) from the petitioner/U.S. sponsor.
  • Form DS-260, Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration Application.
    • Preview a sample DS-260 (6.4MB).
  • Two (2) 2x2 photographs. See the required photo format explained in Photograph Requirements.
  • Civil Documents for the applicant. See Documents the Applicant Must Submit for more specific information about documentation requirements, including information on which documents may need to be translated. The consular officer may ask for more information during your visa interview. Bring your original civil documents (or certified copies) such as birth and marriage certificates, as well as legible photocopies all original civil documents, and any required translations to your immigrant visa interview. 
  • Completed Medical Examination Forms – These are provided by the panel physician after you have completed your medical examination and vaccinations (see below).

Visa Interview

Once the NVC determines the file is complete with all the required documents, they schedule the applicant’s interview appointment. NVC then sends the file, containing the applicant’s petition and the documents listed above, to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where the applicant will be interviewed for a visa. The applicant, petitioner, attorney, and third-party agent, if applicable, will receive appointment emails, or letters (if no email address if available), containing the date and time of the applicant's visa interview along with instructions, including guidance for obtaining a medical examination.
Applicants should bring their valid passports, as well as any other documentation above not already provided to NVC, to their visa interviews. During the interview process, ink-free, digital fingerprint scans will be taken. Generally, applicants will receive their original civil documents and original translations back at the time of interview.

Rights and Protections - Pamphlet

You should read the Rights and Protections pamphlet before your visa interview to learn about your rights in the United States relating to domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse and protection available to you. The consular officer will verbally summarize the pamphlet to you during your interview.

Medical Examination and Vaccinations

Enter text here.
Important Notice:
In preparing for your interview, you will need to schedule and complete your medical examination and any required vaccinations before your visa interview.  Before an immigrant visa can be issued, every applicant, regardless of age, must undergo a medical examination which must be performed by an authorized panel physician. Applicants are provided instructions by NVC regarding medical examinations, including information on authorized panel physicians. See Medical Examination for more information, including a list of panel physicians by country, and frequently asked questions.

Vaccination Requirements

U.S. immigration law requires immigrant visa applicants to obtain certain vaccinations prior to the issuance of immigrant visas. See Vaccination Requirements for IV Applicants for the list of required vaccinations and additional information.

What Is Conditional Residence?

If you have been married for less than two years when your foreign citizen spouse enters the United States on an immigrant visa, his or her permanent resident status is considered “conditional.” The immigrant visa is a conditional resident (CR) visa, not an immediate relative (IR) visa.
You and your spouse must apply together to USCIS to remove the conditional status within the ninety days before the two-year anniversary of your spouse’s entry into the United States on his or her immigrant visa. The two-year anniversary date of entry is the date of expiration on the alien registration card (green card). See Remove Conditions on Permanent Residence Based on Marriage on the USCIS website.

How Long Does It Take?

The length of time varies from case to case and cannot be predicted for individual cases with any accuracy. Some cases are delayed because applicants do not follow instructions carefully. Sometimes the U.S. sponsor, or petitioner, cannot meet Affidavit of Support requirements. Some visa applications require further administrative processing, which takes additional time after the visa applicant’s interview by a consular officer.

Ineligibilities for Visas - What If the Applicant Is Ineligible for a Visa?

Certain conditions and activities may make an applicant ineligible for a visa. Examples of these ineligibilities include: drug trafficking; overstaying a previous visa; and submitting fraudulent documents. If you are ineligible for a visa, you will be informed by the consular officer and advised whether there is a waiver of the ineligibility available to you and what the waiver process is. Classes of Aliens Ineligible to Receive Visas contains the complete list of ineligibilities.

Misrepresentation of Material Facts or Fraud

Attempting to obtain a visa by the willful misrepresentation of a material fact or fraud may result in you becoming permanently ineligible to receive a U.S. visa or enter the United States.

When You Have Your Immigrant Visa - What You Should Know

If you are issued an immigrant visa, the consular officer will give you your passport containing the immigrant visa and a sealed packet containing the documents which you provided. It is important that you do not open the sealed packet. Only the U.S. immigration official should open this packet when you enter the United States. You are required to enter the United States before the expiration date printed on your visa. When traveling, the primary (or principal) applicant must enter the United States before or at the same time as family members holding visas.
If you receive your immigrant visa on or after February 1, 2013, you must pay the USCIS Immigrant Fee to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) after you receive your immigrant visa and before you travel to the United States. Only children who enter the United States under the Orphan or Hague adoption programs, Iraqi and Afghan special immigrants, returning residents (SB-1s), and those issued K visas are exempt from this fee. Select USCIS Immigrant Fee on the USCIS website for more information.
Important Notice: USCIS will not issue a Permanent Resident Card (Form I-551 or Green Card) until you have paid the fee.

Entering the United States: Port-of-Entry

A visa allows a foreign citizen to travel to the U.S. port-of-entry and request permission to enter the U.S. Applicants should be aware that a visa does not guarantee entry into the U.S. The DHS, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials have authority to permit or deny admission to the U.S. Travelers should review important information about admissions and entry requirements on the CBP website under Travel. Once you have been admitted to the U.S. as a permanent resident, your Permanent Resident Card, Form I-551 (formerly called Alien Registration Card, also known as a green card)will be mailed to you.

How to Apply for a Social Security Number Card

If you elected on your immigrant visa application form to receive your Social Security Number Card upon admission to the United States as an immigrant, your card will be sent via mail to the U.S. address you designated on your application form, and should arrive approximately six weeks following your admission. If you did not elect to receive your Social Security Number Card automatically, you will have to apply to be issued a card following your arrival in the United States. To learn about applying for a Social Security Number Card, visit the Social Security Administration website.

When You Are a Permanent Resident

Coming to the United States to live permanently, you will want to learn more about your status as a Lawful Permanent Resident. See Welcome to the United States: A Guide for New Immigrants to review information on the USCIS website about living in the United States.

Additional Information

Immigrant visa applicants should not make any final travel arrangements, dispose of property, or give up jobs until and unless visas are issued. Some visa applications require further administrative processing, which takes additional time after the visa applicant's interview by a consular officer. An immigrant visa is generally valid for six months from the issuance date.

General Visa Questions

  • Before submitting your inquiry, we request that you carefully review this website for answers to your questions. Because of the volume of inquiries, we cannot promise an immediate reply to your inquiry.
  • If your inquiry concerns a visa case in progress overseas, you should first contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate handling your case for status information. Select U.S. Embassy or Consulate to find contact information.
  • You can find contact information for our Public Inquiries Division at Contact Us.

2013년 10월 8일 화요일

Why I am Not a Lawyer

Not for lack of trying. Went to USC pre-law; after law school I passed the California Bar Exam. I was completely qualified to become a lawyer. But then I ran into the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. This was the Court that recently said the words "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance are "unconstitutional." This was only the latest in a long series of decisions which are hostile to religion. In 1998 I came before the Ninth Circuit Court with a brief written by three well-known professors of Constitutional Law and a former California State Supreme Court Justice. The court blocked my attempt to become an attorney by refusing to reverse the decision of a federal district court which declared that a 1945 decision of the U.S. Supreme Court barred me from practicing law. I believe America ought to be a nation "Under God." Can't have attorneys believing that, now can we?
The recent Ten Commandments case in Alabama is another example of this. Click here for details.
When it struck down the Pledge of Allegiance, the Ninth Circuit Court claimed it was only following Supreme Court precedents. Not true. The Ninth Circuitcould have said the Flag Salute was constitutional, because thirty years ago it declared that "In God We Trust" and "So help me, God" were constitutional on the grounds that they were merely "patriotic" slogans and really had nothing to do with God or religion (Aranow v. U.S., 432 F.2d 242, 1970). Notre Dame Professor of Law Charles E. Rice writes,
The Court requires government at all levels to maintain a neutrality between theism and non-theism which results, in practical effect, in a governmental preference of the religion of agnostic secularism. Justice Brennan argued, in his concurrence in the 1963 school prayer case, that the words "under God" could still be kept in the Pledge of Allegiance only because they "no longer have a religious purpose or meaning." Instead, according to Brennan they "may merely recognize the historical fact that our Nation was believed to have been founded 'under God." [Abington School District v. Schempp, 374 U.S. 203, 304, (1963).] This false neutrality would logically prevent an assertion by any government official, whether President or school teacher, that the Declaration of Independence—the first of the Organic Laws of the United States printed at the head of the United States Code—is in fact true when it asserts that men are endowed "by their Creator" with certain unalienable rights and when it affirms "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God," a "Supreme Judge of the world" and "Divine Providence."
"The Constitution: Guarantor of Religion," in
Derailing the Constitution: The Undermining of American Federalism,
edited by Edward B. McLean, Intercollegiate Studies Institute, 1997, pp. 155-56.
[Update: U.S. Supreme Court reverses 9th Circuit case. Father who brought lawsuit did not have legal custody of the daughter -- who wanted to say the words "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance anyway. The basic constitutional issue remains unsettled.]
Instead, the Court (maturing over the last 30 years in its hostility to religion) declared that the words "under God" really do have reference to theology, and are therefore unconstitutional. I believe all attorneys and politicians have a divine obligation to conduct their public affairs according to "the laws of  Nature and of Nature's God," and that our nation is obligated to be a nation "Under God." Because of this, the legal system refused to allow me to become a member of the Bar, just as it (so far) will not allow school children to say those intolerant words "Under God."
And I'm willing to bet that you wouldn't be permitted to become an attorney either, even if you passed the Bar Exam and were otherwise completely qualified to receive your license -- provided you have a conscience, and are willing to let the legal system know it.*
In fact, if you have a conscience, you would not be allowed to serve on a jury, much less become an attorney. Here's why:
* And provided you get a fine, upstanding, patriotic judge acquainted with the cases below; a judge who resembles the accused in Hannah Arendt's book on The Banality of Evil
     I know a good man from Afghanistan. Twenty-five years ago he was imprisoned by the Communists. He was well known in Afghanistan, something of a hero. He's a hero in my eyes. He now lives in the United States. I've had dinner at his home. He is a great American, and his family loves this country.
     Suppose in 2008 the newly-created Office of Homeland Security determines that all Muslims are a threat to America's national security, and they all have 30 days to leave the country, after which time true Americans must shoot any Muslim on sight. (If you think this is a ridiculous scenario, fine, but it will soon become a very vivid illustration. Hang with me for a minute.) I have been arrested and charged with treason for willful failure to shoot my Muslim friend. Both the law and the facts are clear: the law says I should have killed my Muslim friend, and the fact is I didn't. (In fact, I wouldn't have killed any Muslim even if he were my enemy.)
     You are now being interviewed as a potential juror on my case. You know me to be a fine person, and you know my Muslim friend was no enemy of America. You think I've been charged with violating a very, very bad law. Not just an "unconstitutional" law, but an unethical law. An immoral law. You have a conscience, and your conscience will not allow you to do anything which would send me to prison or the firing squad for failure to kill a good person. You know in your heart that as a juror you will not vote "guilty" regardless of the law or the facts in my case. Once in the Jury Room, you will also attempt to persuade the other jurors to vote "not guilty," to send a message to the government that this is a very bad law. You hope that juries across America will nullify this bad law.
     If you tell the court that you intend to vote your conscience regardless of the law or the facts, you will not be allowed to serve on the jury. "You're excused," the court will tell you, and send you home.
"You're excused" is what the California State Bar told me, along with every court all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court. In America today, anyone who places God (or his own conscience) above the decrees of the government cannot be an attorney (unless he keeps his mouth shut about his having a conscience). Anyone who would publicly announce with the Apostles, "We must obey God rather than man," cannot become a lawyer, a draftsman for the county, a certified elevator inspector -- even a naturalized American citizen, according to numerous court cases.
This situation is, in my opinion, merely the tip of the iceberg. This page contains links that spread out to over 300 webpages, including historical documents from early American history, court cases all the way up to the Supreme Court, and pleadings from my own case, the only case I ever litigated. These materials show that we have lost a great deal of the virtue and greatness that was once America. I hope you find these pages interesting, challenging -- maybe even encouraging.

In order to become an attorney in California, one is required by statute to take the following oath:
I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California,
and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of an attorney and counselor at law to the best of my knowledge and ability.
This seems fairly innocuous. It is well known that many who have taken this oath have never even read the Constitution. But a Christian (and by implication, anyone with a conscience) is prohibited by law from taking this oath. If you're ready for the civics class you never had in government-run schools, keep reading.



Years ago, a Christian named Clyde Summers wanted to become an attorney. The United States Supreme Court ruled that as a Christian he could not take the oath to "support the Constitution." Why not? A Christian places God above the State. The Court held that a Christian would be lying if he said hesupported the Constitution, because he really supports God above the Constitution. Any obedience he gives to the Constitution is only because God tells him to do so, and if God ever told the Christian not to obey Caesar, the Christian "must obey God rather than man."Read the case. There's a certain logic here.
Here is a parable illustrating the conflict.
I tried to argue that this case was a bad decision, and that doubt had been cast on its validity in subsequent decisions, and that this case should not be followed, but a federal district court said the case was still good law, and that I should not be permitted to take the oath to "support the Constitution."
That court was correct; the judge was fair. The more research I did, the more hopeless it appeared. This case may be obscure, but it is not an anomaly. It represents the tip of an iceberg of Supreme Court decisions that have quietly converted America from a nation "under God," to a government that thinks it is god.
If my case sounds like the makings of a nutty conspiracy theory, I respect your good sense and patriotism. But the case law* is against you, as it was against me.
To appreciate that case and the tectonic shift in values it represents, it is necessary to review the cases it cites, and trace those cases back to cases at the time the Constitution was ratified, and even further back. For the history lesson you never received in government schools, click here.
* "case law" means previous court decisions, which function as law, just like the statutes of the legislature.
In 1892 the U.S. Supreme Court declared that America was "a Christian nation." The case was Holy Trinity Church vs. United States, and it involved a New York church that wanted to hire a pastor from England. Federal immigration authorities tried to stop the church under a statute prohibiting the importation of cheap manual labor. The U.S. Supreme Court said it was wrong to apply this statute to churches and pastors because "this is a Christian nation." The Court described the Christian roots of America in the last half of its opinion. The Court's history lesson is available here. Things have changed dramatically since 1892.
This case was overruled in 1931 (U.S. v. Macintosh). A pastor from Canada wanted to become an American citizen. The Holy Trinity case should have been applied here. Like the Apostles, this was one of those "radical" "subversive" Christians who "must obey God rather than man." The Supreme Court, in a truly hideous opinion, declared that allegiance to God took second place to allegiance to the State. The Court said the oath to "support the Constitution" (which the Canadian pastor was willing to take) required "unqualified allegiance to the nation and submission and obedience to the laws of the land" even if these laws directly contradicted the Law of God.
This case represents the complete overthrow of everything America once stood for.
There's more: By its very nature, an oath (such as the oath to "support the Constitution") is religious: a solemn statement made to (and in the presence of) God. At least it used to be religious. Atheists who opposed hearing "so help me God" in public succeeded in having the oath legally redefined into an act of "ceremonial deism." But back in 1844, the U.S. Supreme Court, in holding that the government must teach the Bible in government-operated schools, had declared that "deism" was a form of "infidelity." The modern secular oath is therefore now a declaration that one is not faithful to God.
As I said above, a Christian (and by implication, anyone with a conscience) is prohibited by law from taking this oath. Discovering this, I also concluded that no Christian (or anyone with a conscience) should want to take this oath.
Given the fact that I was barred by the U.S. Supreme Court from taking an oath to "support the Constitution," and given the fact that I refused to participate in an act of "ceremonial deism," I asked for a modification of the oath required in California in my case only (not to be imposed on everyone) as follows:
I, Kevin Craig, do profess faith in God the Father, and in Jesus Christ His only Son, and in the Holy Ghost, one God, blessed for evermore; and I do acknowledge the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be given by divine inspiration.[1]
I solemnly swear
I was not permitted to take such an oath. This is why I am not an attorney.

The recent controversy over the Ten Commandments in Alabama is an easy parallel. "The question presented to this court" wrote the federal courtwhich ordered the removal of the Ten Commandments, "is whether the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court violated the Establishment Clause when he placed a . . . granite monument--engraved with the Ten Commandments and other references to God--in the Alabama State Judicial Buildingwith the specific purpose and effect, as the court finds from the evidence, of acknowledging the Judeo-Christian God as the moral foundation of our laws." If the Ten Commandments (and other legal documents on the monument) had been presented as irrelevant historical oddities in a dusty museum, the court would have considered them "constitutional." Many Ten Commandments monuments have been held "constitutional" because they were held irrelevant. Judge Moore contended the monument represented something very relevant: the authoritative Word of a Living God who was Sovereign over federal courts. Moore contended all courts and every branch of government at every level had a duty to acknowledge the sovereignty of the God of the Bible. The new god of the religion of Secular Humanism would not permit this.
(1). This phrase is taken from the old Delaware Constitution, Article 22 (adopted Sept. 20, 1776), 1 Del. Code Ann. 117 (Michie, 1975). The relevant portion reads:
Every person who shall be chosen a member of either house, or appointed to any office or place of trust . . . shall . . . make and subscribe the following declaration, to wit: "I ________, do profess faith in God the Father, and in Jesus Christ His only Son, and in the Holy Ghost, one God, Blessed for evermore; and I do acknowledge the holy scripture of the Old and New Testaments to be given by divine inspiration." 
(2). This phrase is taken from the U.S. Supreme Court opinion in Law Students Civil Rights Research Council, Inc. v. Wadmond, 401 U.S. 154 at 166, 91 S.Ct. 720 at 728, 27 L.Ed.2d 749 (1971). I offered to use "gender-inclusive language" if the State Bar insisted.
(3). This phrase meets some of the requirements stated by the Court in U.S. v. Schwimmer, 279 U.S. 644, 49 S.Ct. 448, 73 L.Ed. 889 (1929).
(4). This was obviously a major concern of the oath to "support the Constitution" throughout American history:
Pre-American Common LawImbrie v. Marsh, 3 N.J. 578 at ---, 71 A2d 352 at 357, 363, 18 ALR2d 241 at 247, 253 (1950)(rival sovereigns);
Revolutionary America [Article VI, Section 3]: Imbrie at A2d 364, ALR2d 255; (England);
Civil War EraCohen v. Wright, 22 CalRptr 297 at 299 (1863)(brief for appellant), 307, 310, 311, 330; Cummings v. Missouri, 71 U.S. 277 at 317, 327, 18 L.Ed 356 at 361, 364 (1867); Imbrie v. Marsh at A2d 365, ALR2d 256 (the Confederacy);
Cold War EraKonigsberg (I) v. State Bar of California, 353 U.S. 252 at 298, 77 S.Ct. 722 at 745 (1957); cf. Barenblatt v. United States, 360 U.S. 109 at 130n31, 79 S.Ct. 1081 at 1095n.31 (1959); cf. Communist Party v. Subversive Activities Control Board, 367 U.S. 1 at 5-9, 13-14, 51-55, 57, 81 S.Ct. 1357 at 1363, 1364, 1365, 1366, 1368, 1387, 1388, 1389, 1390 (1961); Elfbrandt v. Russell, 384 U.S. 11 at 21, 86 S.Ct. 1238 at 1243 (1966); cf. Wilkinson v U.S. 365 U.S. 399 at 401, 404n5, 81 S.Ct 567 at 569, 571n5 (1961)(the Soviet Union);
PresentImbrie at A2d 354, 355, 371, ALR2d 244, 245, 362; Speiser v. Randall, 357 U.S. 513 at 515-16, 78 S.Ct. 1332 at 1336 (1958).
(5). This last phrase is found in the current oath required by statute of all California attorneys. The duties of an attorney are set forth in Calif. Business and Professions Code § 6068 and discussed here. One of these duties is:
(d) To employ, for the purpose of maintaining the causes confided to him or her such means only as are consistent with truth, and never to seek to mislead the judge or any judicial officer by an artifice or false statement of fact or law.

Some people -- even some attorneys -- told me to "just go ahead and take the oath" and "get it over with." But it would be a "false statement of fact or law" for me to say that I was permitted to take the required oath, as the judge in federal court rightly observed, citing the Summers case. It struck me as ironic that my very first act as an attorney would be to violate the duties of an attorney by falsely declaring that I was permitted by Courts to take the oath.



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